DNSthingy 3.3.1 Released to pfSense Rapid Release

The last little while has certainly lived up to the meaning of Rapid Release.
Today we are sending 3.3.1 to Rapid Release on pfSense to fix a small but important bug affecting users of forwarding lists.

  • Fixes a bug where Forwarding Lists only return A/AAAA answers.

Thank you
– Adam Networks team

Today package update 3.3.1_2 was released to patch a CNAME flattening bug.

If you were affected by the bug in the first 3.3.1 release, to resolve update to 3.3.1_2 by taking the following steps.

  1. From the pfSense webUI go to Diagnostics / Command Prompt
  2. Enter the Shell Command: pkg install -y dnsthingy
  3. Click Execute

This will pull the latest package from the repository and get you patched.

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