Downloadable domain log details

Greetings. I’m new to DNSthingy, a.k.a. ADAMnetworks, I’m still looking around and learning how to find what I need or want. I’m trying to build whitelists for the kids’ devices based on where they have been going and whitelists to overrule blacklisted domains for some of our IoT devices (our Roku hasn’t worked since we got DNSthingy). Both the domains table on the dashboard and the are very helpful, but there is something more I’d like to see.
I’d like to be able to download a table (.csv) of the permitted and blocked domains with the requesting client device identified–like what I see in real time on–so I can filter on my daughter’s laptop or my son’s iPad and see a history of where they’ve needed to go. I can’t download the history from and the domain tables on the dashboard don’t identify the requesting client device. I’d like to be able to get to something in between: not the time/date of each individual DNS request, but a table of devices, domains, blocked/resolved status, and number of occurrences for a user-specified time period.
Eager to see what you can do!
Is it possible to send me that from what’s currently in my log, until there is an access in the webUI?

Hello Stephen,

Currently we are not logging all of the information that would allow us to generate these reports correctly. We have this functionality on our roadmap, but I do not know when it will be implemented.

Hi Stephen, just to let you know on Professional and Business plans we now have a good chunk of the reporting you’re looking for.

  1. From your dashboard -> Router -> Enable Logging

  2. Once you’ve passively logged DNS for a while, you can then navigate to Dashboard -> Reporting

  3. Choose your date range and then for “allowed” queries, and then export as CSV

Now you can pick and choose out of the list based on frequency of domain usage on your network and decide if you want to include in your “starter white list” :slight_smile: